welcome to University of Sydney
Today, we met Dr. Tim Langrish who is an associate professor and Head of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering School. We were introduced to University of Sydney and inquired him on the requirements that are needed to enrol University of Sydney. After the discussion, we showed Dr. Tim Langrish the university corporate video and he showed interest to collaborate with UMP in terms of academic partnership. Professor Tim also brought us touring around the university.
Chemical Engineering Building
aeronautical engineering
mechanical engineering
engineering library
Graduate memorial
tray dryer: Build by Dr Tim Langrish
After the tour inside the university, we went to UNSW to catch an appointment with the Chemical Engineering Department representative. After we arrived at UNSW, we met Mr. Cheng Chin Kui, another UMP FKKSA lecturer doing his PhD in UNSW apart from Encik Sabri. After that, we met Professor Adesoji A. Adesina. He explained about UNSW and he also brought us toring along the Chemical Engineering building and he showed us the laboratory used by the student to do the experimental work. Part of the equipments inside the laboratory was invented by the students.
Overall, the university is provided with adequate facilities in terms of leisure, convenient study environment and variety of food.
In terms of learning facilities, the equipments used were self-built by the students and lecturers while in Malaysia we buy the equipments from manufacturer.
Even though the university is situated far from the city, it can easily be reached by public transportation.
The building structures in UNSW are modern, state-of-the-art and have identically aerodynamic patterns.