Today, all Muslims celebrate Eidul Adha and in morning, Muslims will perform prayer at mosque. We prepared ourselves for the prayer at our accommodation while waiting for Abang Mat to pick us up and drive us to Malaysia Hall Sydney in Kensington. Once we have arrived, we performed the prayer together with the other Malaysians. Then, had a light Raya feast at Malaysia Hall where Malaysian food were served. In afternoon, we went to Kak Nani’s house which situated just three blocks from our house. We also visited one of UMP FKKSA’s lecturer, Encik Sabri house in the evening.
On that day, encountered problem as it was Friday and the males need to perform Friday prayer but we were unable to find the nearest mosque. Luckily our neighbour is Malaysian too and he was willing to bring the males together with him to perform Friday prayer. We were so grateful to have a Malaysian neighbour since we were not familiar with the neighbourhood yet.
It was our first time celebrating Hari Raya outside Malaysia and without our families, everybody seemed not in good moods. We went to Malaysia Hall to perform our prayer and celebrate Hari Raya with Malaysians. During the feast, we get to befriend with Malaysian residents and students staying in Sydney and learnt that even the celebration is not as merry as in Malaysia, we still celebrate Hari Raya happily and all the moody faces were carved with smiles.
We learnt that even we were far away from Malaysia, we can still have the same celebration atmosphere in Australia. In this celebration, we saw Malaysians gather together during the prayer and visit each other in open houses. This showed how unite Malaysians are.
Happy Hari Raya Everyone
rendang Kangaroo satu!
don't forget nasi impit
and peanut gravy...
also nasi lemak...
beb, nak try tak nasi impit cicah dip... tgk sdp ke x...
segala roti2 dlm dunia ak le trima lg...
klu nasi impit?
makes me wonder la beb?!?!?!
only gOt nasi lemak + tea Ooo..
wat sndri!!
sO sadd..
(T T)
dip dia apa?...wakakakka
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