Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sydney: Day 6

Today, we walked to Strand Arcade. Strand Arcade is a shopping arcade housing many shops. As we walked into the building, we saw that there were many people performing their talent in front of audience. We all were all enjoyed by the performance.

At night, we had dinner at Kak Nani’s house. During dinner, we discussed the on Malaysian Students Department Australia (MSDA).

MSDA vision is to ensure that the administration of higher education at Australia's Institute of Higher Education would fulfill the needs of individuals, the community and the workforce, as required by the National Education Philosophy of Malaysia while its mission is to be fully committed in administrating and assisting all Malaysian Students affairs in order to produce qualified skilled graduates, which meet the nation's aspiration.

At the moment, MSDA is directed by Dr. Mohd Nasir Mohd Hassan and it administrate two Malaysia Halls in Australia, one in Sydney and the other one in Melbourne.

We learnt that it took a great deal of confidence to perform in front of large crowd and to convince your audience with your talent.

We learnt the function of MSDA and how MSDA assists the Malaysian students studying abroad in terms of students welfare in Australia.


aman said...

ehem! ehem!
suddenly i have a sore throat...
may be i "talk" to much...
do you have STREPSILS Ilham?

iLhAm_bEcKs said...

tke this..
OAK!! fully cream choco...

Sengal Ubi said...

which ice-cream?i don't recall any ice-cream...